Green Bay WINLINK RMS gateway

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Green Bay WINLINK RMS gateway

Post by kc9uhi » Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:31 am

WINLINK via VHF ax.25 packet is coming soon to Green Bay.

This is a placeholder for further information.

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Re: Green Bay WINLINK RMS gateway

Post by KC9YGK » Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:11 am

Is this up and running? I think looking at the Winlink site it is. I'm going to need to do a little more reading to figure out what all I need to get to connect.

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Re: Green Bay WINLINK RMS gateway

Post by kc9uhi » Sat Feb 01, 2020 10:41 am

It's currently running in my garage as a placeholder. (edit 28Feb21 -- on-air in DePere) Waiting for some site infrastructure to be completed, then it'll be on-air in DePere.

Connecting is actually quite simple - You'll need client software (, a TNC (either hardware or soundcard based), and a vhf radio.

For windows, I'd recommend Winlink Express (, and either a TNC-X (unfortunately no longer produced) or signalink usb w/ soundmodem software ( I've used both setups with great success.

I'll update here once the system is 'officially' on-air.
Last edited by kc9uhi on Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: on-air in DePere

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Re: Green Bay WINLINK RMS gateway

Post by kc9uhi » Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:37 pm

The KC9UHI-8 packet node in DePere is on-air.

Connect with 1200 baud ax.25 to KC9UHI-8 or the node alias of WIGRB on 145.030 MHz.
(Common syntax of node alias and node callsign looks like ALIAS:CALL, for example WIGRB:KC9UHI-8. Typically sending a connect request to either the node alias or callsign results in the same thing)

Once connected to WIGRB:KC9UHI-8, connect to KAUNOD:KC9UHI-7. From here, connections to nodes worldwide, the full service BBS, and a local chat server are available. Connections to other local nodes are possible once they become active.

Direct connection to KC9UHI-10 for Winlink is also available.

WIGRB is using a raspberry pi B+ with a tnc-pi ( interfaced to a Motorola Radius M120 set to 38W. System is located at a temporary site with good area coverage.

Drop me a message at KC9UHI@KC9UHI.#ECWI.WI.USA.NOAM

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Re: Green Bay WINLINK RMS gateway

Post by kc9uhi » Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:12 pm

Anticipated coverage maps, calculated based on a home station using a simple vertical omni antenna at about 20 feet elevation. Actual results may vary.

Current temporary location

Future permanent location

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