DV Switch Mobile

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DV Switch Mobile

Post by kb9mwr » Mon May 27, 2019 1:49 pm

Matt or anyone else do you have an experience getting this to work with allstar?

I have no problem with the windows iaxrpt program.

Seems everything I try results in bashing my head into a wall.

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Re: DV Switch Mobile

Post by kb9mwr » Mon May 27, 2019 4:10 pm

I figured it out. I changed the last line of the example I found for extensions.conf
For the next guy:

43337 is my node, change to yours

This is the Accounts tab of the DV Switch Mobile Android App. Once you setup one of the accounts with the credentials that match that in your Asterisk server's iax.conf file then you can go back to the dialer screen and connect to a radio, etc.

In /etc/iax.conf:

Code: Select all

[phone-iaxrpt] ; The stanza is the Username from the phone app
secret=YourPassword ; PASSWORD

In /etc/extensions.conf:

Code: Select all

[phone-iaxrpt] ;;; Stanza is the context from iax.conf
exten => 1998,1,Answer
exten => 1998,n,Playback,rpt/node
exten => 1998,n,Playback,digits/1
exten => 1998,n,Playback,digits/9
exten => 1998,n,Playback,digits/9
exten => 1998,n,Playback,digits/8
exten => 1998,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=0)
;exten => 1998,n,Rpt,1998|P|${CALLERID(name)} ;;; The "CallerID" from IAXRpt
; Change 43337 below to your allstar node number
exten => 1998,n,Rpt,43337|P

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