Scrays link stats

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Scrays link stats

Post by kb9mwr » Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:38 pm

Scrays link stats

Internet has been restored to the hill which brings the IRLP on 444.775 back on-line. Our existing link to St. Norbert's had to be removed for their remodeling project. The new link is using the same equipment as before but is now at a club members home.

Here is a log sample from when it was at the college:

Here will be the log from Bob's house (It is a 4.8 mile hop on 2.4Ghz.):

I forgot to mention at the Saturday X-mas meeting, that I used to help Preston Wireless (WISP). They had a access point on Strid grain (middle of town), and one in Pulaski on the old analog Ch 14 tower. We were at a customers roof top in Denmark aiming for Strid, but ended up latching on the the Pulaski signal. The signals go further than you think when there is good line of site.

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