GB DMR Repeater Status

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GB DMR Repeater Status

Post by kc9uhi » Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:31 pm

9 Oct 2017
This repeater has been replaced by the experimental system. Info in a new thread.

Posts here will reflect status of the GB DMR Repeater

4 Oct 2015
--repeater programmed to permanent frequency, 442.075 +5
--new duplexer installed
--linked up to DMR-MARC Tri-State Network (WI, NorthEast IL, NorthWest IN)

--new TriState talkgroup layout

TS1 TG8 -- TriState
TS2 TG13 -- WorldWide English
TS2 TG3 -- North America
TS2 TG9 -- Talk (linked reflector)

More info on talkgroups --
Last edited by kc9uhi on Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: GB DMR Repeater Status

Post by kc9uhi » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:57 pm

9 Jan 2016

-Repeater programmed to coordinated frequency of 442.83125 +5
-duplexer retuned

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Re: GB DMR Repeater Status

Post by kb9mwr » Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:00 pm

"Coordinated" is probably the wrong word.

As usual looks like someone likely dropped the ball and didn't follow through again:

But whatever, as this doesn't impact end user use.

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Re: GB DMR Repeater Status

Post by kc9uhi » Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:32 pm

As of 24feb2016 15:32CST it's listed on the "Under Construction" page -- ... Const.html

Important to note that the listed ColorCode is incorrect; CC1 is actually in use.
Last edited by kc9uhi on Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: color code changed

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Re: GB DMR Repeater Status

Post by kb9mwr » Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:03 pm

Same old song and dance routine from some other person who will remain nameless.

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Re: GB DMR Repeater Status

Post by kb9mwr » Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:59 pm

Is there some sort of web based stats for the N9DKH DMR repeater? Like who is using it locally? Locally hosted other other.

I haven't see anything since we collected to the bullshit network on your ARS-E state thing at:

Or can we somehow get our crap to export to this:

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Re: GB DMR Repeater Status

Post by kc9uhi » Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:32 pm

Scroll down the page and click on "N9DKH"-- direct link

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Re: GB DMR Repeater Status

Post by kc9uhi » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:05 am

As of 25 Mar 2016, repeater on coordinated color code of 6

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Re: GB DMR Repeater Status

Post by kb9mwr » Thu Sep 15, 2016 11:37 am

The Green Bay DMR recently had a PA failure and was not showing any output power (other than exciter). Chad and I swapped the RF boards from the respective TX and RX radios and we have power again. Apparently these (XPR8300/8400) are kind of sensitive when it comes to long term survival with no-so perfect SWRs. After further analysis, we have a 1.8:1 SWR at the site, so I have disabled the repeater. Chad is going to try and track down a circulator. I'll will try and do a more comprehensive analysis of he antenna system this weekend or early next week.

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Re: GB DMR Repeater Status

Post by kc9uhi » Sat Sep 24, 2016 6:41 pm

Repeater is back online.

Realigned and tuned repeater, current output is 44w.

Prior to work, took a bunch of measurements. Full system vswr was 2.04:1 on TX, 2.25:1 on RX. Afterwards, about 1.7:1 on TX/RX.

Discovered duplexer was a bit off on the RX side. Had been 87dB TX->RX isolation with 1.9dB insertion loss on RX and 1.4dB insertion loss on TX. After tuning got 100dB isolation TX->RX and 0.93dB insertion loss on RX and 1.4dB insertion loss on TX.

-- Pre-adjustment measurements --
RX thru feedline, antenna -- 1.13:1 VSWR

TX thru feedlilne, antenna -- 1.31:1 VSWR

RX thru cable, duplexer, diplexer, feedline, antenna -- 2.25:1 VSWR

TX thru cable, duplexer, diplexer, feedline, antenna -- 2.04:1 VSWR

Duplexer high side notch (reject tx) -- 86.92dB isolation

-- Post-adjustment measurements on duplexer --

Duplexer high side notch (reject tx) -- 100.02dB isolation

Duplxer high side pass (pass rx) -- 0.93dB insertion loss

See all the measurement pictures --

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