APRS Station Display

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APRS Station Display

Post by kc9uhi » Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:00 pm

When I first installed an APRS unit in my pickup, I wanted a display of nearby stations, and messaging capabilities.

At the time, the only thing on the market with display was the FoxView http://www.foxdelta.com/products/foxview.htm from FoxDelta. A kit item from India, running software from multiple sources (including Italy with badly translated documentation), it proved to be an interesting first attempt. I had a functional 4x20 display of stations as they came in, but very limited.

This past fall I switched it out with a TinyTrak4 in hopes of improving the displayed info. So far, I have yet to get it to work properly. The messaging capability is greatly enhanced with the ability to attach a keyboard, but the TinyTrak to display data stream seems to have sync issues and it constantly displays strange characters.

Current plans involve a complete overhaul. The 4x20 display will be replaced with a Garmin nuvi 2555. Tracker will be a T3-Mini from ArgentData. The Tracker3 line can communicate with Garmin GPS units using the proprietary Garmin Binary protocol and the Fleet Management Interface cable (FMI 45 - https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/shop-by ... 04982.html). This allows for position data being sent to the tracker, decoded station waypoints sent to the GPS, and full APRS messaging capabilities.

More updates as installation progresses.

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Re: APRS Station Display

Post by kb9mwr » Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:55 pm

I know both Chad and Justin have done the fleetmap/Garmin thing with APRS. To me without something like that, it's kind of a a one way radio thing and has never really gotten me excited. The older Garmins they used didn't give you the map updates, so I think that is why they later abandoned that.

The Yaesu VX-8 that Bob has is interesting, but once again it lacks onboard maps. I don't want to spend big bucks on a HT ever again, so that I can listen and talk to a whole lot of nobody. But, it's still interesting to watch the HT progress. At least the new Yaesu digital HT's have a SD card, so maybe one day when I am in a wheel chair, APRS in a HT will come to be. (After the Chinese radio guys make a cheap knock off version so that I can still afford my metamucil.)

When I saw the recently unveiled Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi for $35, I had some APRS display dreams of grandeur. Then I decided APRS isn't that interesting, till maybe someone writes a how-to for that platform.

Either way I think you are headed down the most logical approach for APRS. I'll be interested to read your specifics here, on what you picked up to make it all work.

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Re: APRS Station Display

Post by kc9uhi » Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:37 pm


The nuvi 2555 has lifetime map updates with it, so no issues there. Programmed the T3-mini with the onboard mini USB port and wired everything up, and... nothing. Nothing happened. Measured the 5v line on the T3-mini - something like 1.7v - nowhere close to 5. Hooked up an external 7805, now it had power, but still no communication with the GPS. After much testing, trial & error, and a couple beers, I wired in a MAX232. Instant success. Apparently the FMI45 cable doesn't like the voltage levels coming out of the T3-mini.


Drove over to work and used the warm inside space to switch out the old APRS system with the new one. Cables ran through the dash and all is happy.

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