Things I have

Anything that doesn't seem to fit elsewhere
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Things I have

Post by kb9mwr » Fri Jun 14, 2019 3:24 pm

In case someone wants to build something.
Junk I have:

A DCI-146-4H band pass... 4 MHz Wide 4 Pole Bandpass Filter. And two CF-4160 di-plexers. I also have the FT-800 dualbander that is hooked to two Remote Rig, RRC-1258MKII boxes. The bandpass was for that as using anything other than a Batwing product at a place with the potential for internet (like Scray's hill).

The problem with the dualbander / remote rig was while it was meant to be at the Batcave, it pretty much requires perfect internet to maintain it's serial over IP connection. And the caves internet is fed on 900 MHz from my place with plenty of multipath, so it's no good for VOIP.

I'll loan any of this stuff out if anyone wants to play with it. I always wanted to pair the radio with an amp or two to bring the output up a bit.

It might make more sense to find a radio that can be remotely tuned and setup a remote base using Allstar or something. That way anyone can use it, rather than having to have the head of the FT-8800.

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